Friday, May 18, 2012

Fluffing The Nest

After a sluggish 1st trimester, I've started off the first few weeks of my 2nd trimester with a turbo shot of energy!  I put this boost towards an early start in prepping our "nest" for our little one.

As a bit of a back story, we renovated our home last summer with a baby in mind.  We transformed our upstairs into 2 bedrooms, a living room and full bathroom.  It's the ideal space for family when they visit.  Then, we moved our bedroom furniture to the downstairs master with full bath.  Just a few feet down the hall from our bedroom is the perfect room that we designated as our future nursery, which by the way has the BEST view of the entire house.  Can't wait to rock our little one, as we gaze out at our backyard checking out the trees, flowers, bunnies & birds.  Another plus for me is that Hubby's office is across the hall from the nursery, so he's within an earshot if Peanut gets fussy.

For the last few months, the nursery has been a combination hobby room / office.  It housed everything from scrapbooking supplies to marketing plans to my digital piano.  My mission this week has been to clear out everything, move it to our upstairs storage room and sell all of the room's furniture to make room for baby.  Thank goodness for Facebook Yardsale groups.  The furniture that I have posted sold the very same day.  So, luckily, it has been very easy to get things moved.

By the end of the weekend, the room should be a clean slate for baby.  Feels awesome to be ahead of schedule.  We'll officially start decorating the nursery in July when we learn Peanut's gender.  Until then, I am giving myself a pat on the back and heading to the living room for an afternoon nap!

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Love Never Fails

Hard to believe that my last post was in December.  But, boy what a difference a few months can make!

Let's rewind a little to bring you up to speed on our happenings....

We kicked off 2012 with another frozen IVF cycle.  With this cycle, we began with the usual protocol of Lupron sub-q injections to suppress my system.  Then, we transitioned to Progesterone in Oil and Estradiol Valerate intramuscular injections in February.  These injections served as "boosters" to the hormones I was already producing.  After speaking with our Dr., we decided to transfer a single embryo on February 28, leaving us with 3 more frozen embryos for future cycles.  Following the embryo transfer, I was placed on bed rest for 3 days.  Hubby hooked me up with Netflix on our bedroom tv, along with picking up all of my favorite snacks.  I have to admit that it was quite an oasis.

Two weeks later, we headed to Nashville Fertility Center for our pregnancy test.  Our appointment was at 11:30 a.m. and we were told that we would have the results by 4 p.m.  To kill time during the agonizing wait, we grabbed lunch at Ted's Montana Grill in West End, where I had the BEST cheeseburger ever.  Seriously, I still dream about it.  It was that delicious.  We spent the rest of the afternoon strolling around Nashville and even stopped in to browse for awhile at Antique Archaeology.

At 4:17 p.m., the phone rang and we got the news we've been praying for....WE'RE PREGNANT!  We went in twice more that week for additional blood tests to make sure that my beta levels were rising as they should.  Thankfully, they rose perfectly!

Here is the first picture of our little peanut, taken at our 6 week visit to Nashville Fertility Center.  During this visit, we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.  Words cannot describe how incredible that moment was.

I am now 10 1/2 weeks pregnant with our little miracle baby.  We said goodbye to the NFC staff on April 9 and are now officially in the care of an OB.  Our first OB appointment was this morning and our little peanut is doing great!  He/she wiggled like crazy on the ultrasound and is measuring right on track.

After 3 years of IVF cycles and hundreds upon hundreds of injections, everything has fallen right into place.  This was all in his timing, not my own.

So, this is what it feels like to have everything I've ever wanted.  Thank you, Lord, for this blessing.  I'll say it again...Love never fails.